Anche l’IRGB in prima fila nelle attività divulgative e didattiche sulla scienza
Online il catalogo “Il Cnr è a scuola”, che raccoglie una selezione delle iniziative divulgative ed educative al momento attive in tutta Italia, destinate a vari ordini e gradi di scuole per l’anno scolastico in corso e per l’anno scolastico 2024-2025. Il catalogo verra’ presentato a Firenze il 20 [...]
Lung-to-Heart Nano-in-Micro Peptide Promotes Cardiac Recovery in a Pig Model of Chronic Heart Failure
Lung-to-Heart Nano-in-Micro Peptide Promotes Cardiac Recovery in a Pig Model of Chronic Heart Failure In this study, the authors sought to assess tolerability and efficacy of an inhalable lung-to-heart nano-in-micro technology (LungToHeartNIM) for cardiac-specific targeting of a mimetic peptide (MP), a first-in-class for modulating impaired L-type calcium channel (LTCC) [...]
Double recognition for Serena Sanna, Head of Research
07/11/2023 Doppio riconoscimento per Serena Sanna, dirigente di ricerca dell'Istituto di ricerca genetica e biomedica (Cnr-Irgb) di Cagliari: lunedì 13 novembre a Roma, presso la protomoteca del Campidoglio, ritira il “Premio alla ricerca Marcello Sgarlata”. Il premio è affidato, su designazione della Presidente del Cnr, a eccellenti ricercatori e ricercatrici che [...]
Biomarker dynamics affecting neoadjuvant therapy response and outcome of HER2-positive breast cancer subtype
In this study, we evaluated the predictive and prognostic role of HER2 protein/gene expression levels in combination with clinicopathologic features in patients who received neoadjuvant trastuzumab-based chemotherapy. The tumor pathologic complete response (pCR) rate was 40.9%, and the mortality rate was lower than in subjects with a lower response. [...]
ERC Starting Grant 2022 awarded to Serena Sanna at the IRGB
"SEMICYCLE" the project conceived by Serena Sanna, of the Institute of genetic and biomedical research (Irgb) of the National Research Council of Cagliari, was funded under the Starting Grants 2022 program of the European Research Council (ERC) for a total of 1.5 million euros. The project is aimed at [...]
The hidden gene-microbes communication
In a new study, a group of researchers from the University of Groningen who have joined forces as the Groningen Microbiome Team have shown that your genes influence the composition of your gut microbiome. Dr. Serena Sanna, now Director of Research at the IRGB-CNR Institute has coordinated this study together with [...]
The Human δ-globin gene as a therapeutic tool for β-hemoglobinopathies
A grant recently approved will evaluate a possible approach to the treatment of β-hemoglobinopathies based on the enhancement of HbA2 expression. […]
A Sardinian founder mutation in glycoprotein Ib platelet subunit beta (GP1BB) that impacts thrombocytopenia
A study recently published in British Journal of Haematology described a novel missense mutation (p.Pro27Ser) in the GP1BB gene associated with platelets count reduction. […]