Maria Serra



Immediately after graduating in biotechnology, in 2010 Maria Serra started working as a technician at the National Research Council at the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry (ICB) in Sassari.

At the IBC she was involved in studying the antiproliferative activity of vanadium compounds on malignant melanoma cell lines, and their effects on the molecular processes involved in melanoma. In parallel with the scientific activity, over the years, she was in charge of the communication and dissemination of the ICB’s scientific results through the main communication and media channels.

As a member of the ICB-Outreach group, she had the task of planning Institute seminars, and creating interactions and integrations with scientific seminar programs external to the Institute, taking care of press and social media communications concerning the Institute’s activities, also including participation in local or national scientific and technology transfer initiatives that required communications of the Institute’s research activities.

During the years of her stay at the IBC she was in charge of various events organization and execution, including the annual Institute conferences and the training days dedicated to children and students of primary and secondary schools. In 2023 she participated to the organization and realization of two events dedicated to the CNR centenary celebration, which aimed to raise awareness and knowledge about scientific research, at both national and local level.

Since 2023 she is part of the IRGB staff at the Sassari section, and she is responsible for collecting, preparing and organizing the data of patients with melanoma, lung cancer and gynecological cancers in computer databases.

Relevant publications:


Pisano, Marina; Arru, Claudia; Serra, Maria; Galleri, Grazia; Sanna, Daniele; Garribba, Eugenio; Palmieri, Giuseppe; Rozzo, Carla

Antiproliferative activity of vanadium compounds: effects on the major malignant melanoma molecular pathways Journal Article

In: Metallomics, 11 (10), pp. 1687-1699, 2019.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Sanna, Daniele; Rocchitta, Gaia; Serra, Maria; Abbondio, Marcello; Serra, Pier Andrea; Migheli, Rossana; Luca, Lidia De; Garribba, Eugenio; Porcheddu, Andrea

Synthesis of Nitric Oxide Donors Derived from Piloty's Acid and Study of Their Effects on Dopamine Secretion from PC12 Cells Journal Article

In: Pharmaceuticals (Basel), 10 (3), 2017, ISSN: 1424-8247.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Sanna, Daniele; Ugone, Valeria; Serra, Maria; Garribba, Eugenio

Speciation of potential anti-diabetic vanadium complexes in real serum samples Journal Article

In: J Inorg Biochem, 173 , pp. 52–65, 2017, ISSN: 1873-3344.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Rozzo, C; Sanna, D; Garribba, E; Serra, M; Cantara, A; Palmieri, G; Pisano, M

Antitumoral effect of vanadium compounds in malignant melanoma cell lines Journal Article

In: J Inorg Biochem, 174 , pp. 14–24, 2017.

Abstract | BibTeX


Sanna, Daniele; Serra, Maria; Ugone, Valeria; Manca, Laura; Pirastru, Monica; Buglyó, Péter; Bíró, Linda; Micera, Giovanni; Garribba, Eugenio

Biorelevant reactions of the potential anti-tumor agent vanadocene dichloride Journal Article

In: Metallomics, 8 (5), pp. 532–541, 2016, ISSN: 1756-591X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Sanna, Daniele; Ugone, Valeria; Pisano, Luisa; Serra, Maria; Micera, Giovanni; Garribba, Eugenio

Behavior of the potential antitumor V(IV)O complexes formed by flavonoid ligands. 2. Characterization of sulfonate derivatives of quercetin and morin, interaction with the bioligands of the plasma and preliminary biotransformation studies Journal Article

In: J Inorg Biochem, 153 , pp. 167–177, 2015, ISSN: 1873-3344.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Sanna, Daniele; Fabbri, Davide; Serra, Maria; Buglyó, Péter; Bíró, Linda; Ugone, Valeria; Micera, Giovanni; Garribba, Eugenio

Characterization and biotransformation in the plasma and red blood cells of V(IV)O(2+) complexes formed by ceftriaxone Journal Article

In: J Inorg Biochem, 147 , pp. 71–84, 2015, ISSN: 1873-3344.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX


Sanna, Daniele; Serra, Maria; Micera, Giovanni; Garribba, Eugenio

Interaction of antidiabetic vanadium compounds with hemoglobin and red blood cells and their distribution between plasma and erythrocytes Journal Article

In: Inorg Chem, 53 (3), pp. 1449–1464, 2014, ISSN: 1520-510X.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

  • Traversa La Crucca, 3 – Regione Baldinca – 07100 Sassari


  • 079 2841232