Silvia Tore
Silvia Tore, graduated in Biological Sciences at the University of Sassari, started her experience at CNR in 1998 as a student, following a research project aimed to identify genetic factors predisposing to endometrial and melanoma cancer through mutational analysis and in situ hybridization on genomic DNA. She deepens her knowledge with an experience at the Bailor College of Medicine,TX, USA. Then, as a research fellow and during her PHD in Biochemistry, Biology and Molecular Biotechnology at the University of Sassari, she studied qualitative genetic traits as risk factors associated with complex diseases in isolated populations. She focused her research on a project aimed to identify genetic factors predisposing to uric acid nephrolithiasis. Furthermore, she participated to a research study on Tortrix Viridana, the principal pest of Sardinia’s oak tree forests, aimed to understand which genes were involved in the adaptation of the moth to the phenology of the host plant and to the environment. She works as researcher at CNR since 2022, and her area of interest has been focused on clinical cancer genetics and precision oncology with particular attention to malignant melanoma and non small cell lung cancer. She is currently involved in the analysis of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) using highly sensitive methods such as Next Generation Sequencing and Digital PCR.
Most significant publications:
Comparison between Three Different Techniques for the Detection of EGFR Mutations in Liquid Biopsies of Patients with Advanced Stage Lung Adenocarcinoma Journal Article
In: International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (6410), 2023.
Genome-wide association analyses identify 18 new loci associated with serum urate concentrations Journal Article
In: Nature Genetics, 45 (2), pp. 145–154, 2013, ISSN: 1546-1718.
Application of a new method for GWAS in a related case/control sample with known pedigree structure: identification of new loci for nephrolithiasis Journal Article
In: PLoS Genet, 7 (1), pp. e1001281, 2011.

- Traversa la Crucca, 3 – Regione Baldinca, Sassari
- 079 2841317