
In search of novel bioactive compounds as potential anticancer agents: Iodinated 4,4’-Bipyridines


In search of novel bioactive compounds as potential anticancer agents: Iodinated 4,4’-Bipyridines   A proof-of-principle exploration aiming to investigate the effectiveness of new iodinated compounds against melanoma cells In the last decade, biological processes involving halogen bond (HaB) as a leading interaction attracted great interest. Iodinated 4,4’-bipyridines showed interesting properties as HaB [...]



T-WIN - Clinical Trial Pattern of response/progression to first line treatment with Dabrafenib and Trametenib in patients with Unresectable or Metastatic BRAF Mutation–Positive Cutaneous Melanoma Prospective observational study involving up to 200 patients from 25 health units: Patients with histologically confirmed cutaneous melanoma that is either stage IIIC or stage IV, and [...]



Homologous Recombination Ovarian Cancer Identification of new prognostic and predictive markers of therapeutic response in patients with advanced ovarian cancer by identifying alterations in homologous recombination (HRD) in the Sardinian population.   The study is conducted on a cohort of patient from the female population of North Sardinia. Aim of the [...]



Selection with a molecUlar PanEl foR Panitunumab Efficacy in K-ras and n-ras wild type metastatic colorectal cancer. This study aims to prospectively define a molecular panel able to identify patients more likely to benefit from the use of first-line panitumumab in combination with mFOLFOX.



Sequential Combo Immuno & Target therapy (SECOMBIT) study. A three arms prospective, randomized phase II study to evaluate the best sequential approach with combo immunotherapy (ipilimumab/ nivolumab) & combo target therapy (LGX818/MEK162) in patients with metastatic melanoma and BRAF mutation [...]



SeconD-line folfiri/aflIbercept in proSpecTIvely stratified, anti-EGFR resistaNt, metastatic coloreCTal cancer patIents with RAS Validated wild typE status. Phase II Trial. Circulating tumor DNA (Liquid Biopsy) testing, before and during treatment, is used to assess whether the status of selected tumor biomarkers evolve during tumor progression.



Clinical, dermoscopic, histological features and mutational status on primary melanoma multigene panels in patients with disease recurrence



Dabradenib and Trametinib in circulating free DNA BRAF mutated positive melanomas: a prospective phase II study. The “liquid biopsy” used as DNA source, represents an alternative approach to identify the clinically relevant cancer mutational landscape when monitoring disease progression and treatment response.



An evaluation of the efficacy beyond progression of vemurafenib combined with cobimetinib associated with local treatment compared to second-line treatment in patients with BRAFV600 mutation-positive metastatic melanoma in focal progression with first-line combined vemurafenib and cobimetinib

Molecular diagnosis in clinical oncology


Molecular-genetics testing cooperate in defining the more appropriate and effective diagnostic and therapeutic approaches for the managements of cancer patients. Molecular diagnostics project carried out thanks to an agreement with the University Hospital (AOU) of Sassari.

Precision medicine in Oncology


Personalized approaches for diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The Unit of Cancer Genetics at IRGB-CNR of Sassari is fully focused on precision medicine in oncological field, mostly based on translational research and, to a lesser extent, on basic research. In clinical practice, genomic and epigenomic profiling actually represents a crucial tool for the molecular classification of cancer patients [...]

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